有觉性 以安住且中立的心 照见身心的实相

660814-การทำกรรมฐานของคนฟุ้งซ่าน-Mindfulness and meditation for busy mind-Ajahn Krit-阿姜给尊者-2023年8月14日

Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo

聞 · 法

   Mindfulness Master and our advisor Ajahn Krit Nimmalo accepted our invitation on this day to talk about the most important teachings relevant for us in these busy modern times. Please get your family and friends out for this and make it the priority for you on this day. It is rare such a being can be heard in the Western world, with an interpreter and live for your ears, eyes and hearts.
Ajahn Krit-The mindfulness society of canada.png

Meditate to See The Truth. You can't stop your busy mind, nor should you. Three Steps:

1) Samatha (Be with the breath or another object)

2) The Mind will stray, get busy, restless

3) Know the mind left the object.

A Clip from August 13, 2023, Sriracha, Thailand. Ajahn Krit speaks for the Mindfulness Society of Canada on Zoom. 1hr30min. 100 Canadians in attendance. Event organized and translated by Jess Koffman.


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