有觉性 以安住且中立的心 照见身心的实相



17 Thai people have developed similarly unique meanings of other concepts and terms, e.g.: ārammaṇa (’sense object’), viññāṇa (’consciousness’), pāramī (’spiritual perfection’), santosa (’contentment’), upekkhā (’equanimity’), adhiṭṭhāna (’determination’), parikamma (’preliminary meditation exercise’), bhāvanā (’cultivation’), vipassanā (’insight’), kāma (’sense desire’), lokiya (’mundane’), lokuttara (’transcendent’), puñña (’merit’), icchā (’longing’), etc. These terms are now used either in a completely different meaning from how they were originally intended, or else their range of meaning has changed. In the study of Buddha-Dhamma it is vital to be able to recognize and distinguish these newer meanings in order to understand the true definition of these terms.