有觉性 以安住且中立的心 照见身心的实相


法藏讨论 | 贡献2023年6月24日 (六) 17:59的版本
Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo

聞 · 法

Q&A #144

The student:

When doing formal practice every day, the mind has energy, so I know that in the past, I often did more than just knowing. If I move, I will feel the body; if I stay still, I will chant ‘Buddho’, or watch the breath.

I see that if I practice diligently, there will be less suffering, and the mind will be bright and clear. If I slacken off, there will be a lot of suffering, the mind will be sombre, and I can not see defilements in time. What should I improve?


Practice consistently. The mind starts to have more energy, starts to be stable, and starts to wake up already. Can you imagine that the mind had been sleeping all the time in the past?

Now the mind just woke up. (Since) the mind can wake up already, meditate and practice consistently. If you slacken off, it will deteriorate. Practice to the fullest every day. Keep practicing, it will make progress. It makes progress, then it deteriorates. No matter how wonderful your practice is, at one point it will deteriorate because mindfulness is also subject to the Three Marks of Existence, and so is samadhi.

(If) it deteriorates, it is alright. The mind progresses and deteriorates, progresses and deteriorates. Keep practicing every day. Whether the mind progresses or deteriorates, let it be. Just press on with the practice, then one day the stupidity will disappear.

At this time, do you feel that the mind is still stupid? Do you feel that it still wants to be good? It wants to get rid of suffering, it wants to be good. Why does it want to be free from suffering and be good? (Because you still feel) the mind is the ‘self’. (If) the mind is the ‘self’, then of course you want it to be good.

Observe gradually, then you will see that (even if) you meditate the same every day, the mind makes progress, then deteriorates; it makes progress, then deteriorates… until one day, wisdom pierces through: the mind is not the ‘self’, the mind is also subject to the Three Marks of Existence.

Do not think, keep observing, then you will see it yourself. If you think, you will fail.

You have practiced well, it’s considered you’ve ‘passed the test’.

Venerable Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo

Suan Santidham Temple

12th Febuary 2023

From FB:Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo

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